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Battery Life

As I pushed on the screen, and nothing happened, I giggled. It’s amazing how something that used to feel so familiar was now bringing on such a disjointed response. A simple text message was the task at hand. But because it was on a phone that was not mine I was taken back to life before smartphones.

“Nothing is stronger than habit.” – Ovid

This other phone now had me curious. Phones I used to have came flashing back into my mind. I was also making connections to how each of my past handsets had to be navigated to complete various tasks. This line of thinking reminded me of a big difference I was now observing. This other phone, once charged, had battery life for up to a week. This was something I could only dream of with my current one.

“Energy flows where attention goes.” – Anonymous

Internet, apps, GPS, music, the list goes on and on for what’s now available to complement the phones primary function of calls and texts. I would never have believed it was possible all those years ago when I got my first Nokia. As they’ve evolved, so too has the way that we as individuals and groups interact with them. I wonder how this interaction impacts our own battery life (energy levels) and why their mindful use is so important?

“Hoping drains your energy. Action creates energy!” – Robert Kiyosaki

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