
What an amazing week! It was definitely one that was full of moments that left me buzzing. From spending a weekend away for a friend’s birthday, an inspiring meeting with the woman who runs student leadership at the University of Wollongong, fantastic program days with new and existing clients, and finally a friend’s joyous and connection filled wedding yesterday, I was left with so many reminders as to what’s most important as we navigate our journeys of potential.
“Joy is not in things; it is in us.” – Richard Wagner
The tree swing I’m on above was from the weekend away for my friend’s birthday. It was such a playful weekend (not surprising I guess with the amount of Outdoor Ed leaders who were present). There were plenty of impromptu games and stories, giant swings, surfing (trying to learn for me), beach cricket, archery, walks, dance off’s (inevitable with a Michael Jackson themed party night), and everything in between. Such authentic people, giving generously of their time, energy and spirit, ripples joy throughout the moments shared whenever we have the opportunity to get together.
“Collaborate with people you can learn from.” – Pharrell Williams
I’m so excited to be collaborating with SCARF (Strategic Community Assistance for Refugee Families) over the next 12 months, offering a year long leadership program for their youth. In our first introductory meeting a few weeks ago I got chatting to the Youth Program Coordinator about all things leadership. From that conversation he then connected me to the inspiring woman who runs student leadership at the University of Wollongong. Before, during and after that meeting this week with her I’ve been constantly buzzing. The opportunities we discussed have me so excited for what’s coming in 2017.
“The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become.” – Robert Holden
I am so very grateful for all of our existing and new client schools. I love how present, purposeful and humbled I feel as I am facilitating our program days. It is such a privilege to be able to engage, challenge and inspire Primary School students within their learning and leadership journeys. Last week was no different, as we explored the possibilities, discovered potential and acted authentically together. I was definitely left buzzing as the students courageously and honestly shared and contributed in such real, diverse and wise ways.
“Joy is a decision, a really brave one, about how you are going to respond to life.” – Wess Stafford
Finally, it was my friends wedding yesterday. Such an incredible ending to an amazing week. The wedding was so welcoming for all involved. What stood out most was the drumming that welcomed the bride and groom into the church, the minister mixing between English and Kiswahili to remind us of the cultures coming together through this union and the joy full expressions of love, connection and generosity right throughout the day. So much buzzing, and then a good nights sleep. I wonder what’s in store this week!