We're Live - Thank You

The 2016 school year has been so much fun. Lately though, alongside facilitating our program experiences, there’s been time for exciting new connections and opportunities (like in last week’s post ‘Buzzing’), strategic planning and program development, making sure we thank all the incredible school communities we’ve had the privilege of supporting again this year, and of course going live with our new website. Have fun exploring it, then we’d love to hear from you with any feedback you’ve got.
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward
We love it (this is version 3 since launching a few years ago), and we are so thankful to our very talented, creative and patient website developer Luke. He has again delivered us with a site that helps our new, as well as existing clients, better understand how we can assist them in the development of ‘informed, connected and empowered individuals believing deeply in their own and others potential’. You’re a legend mate, thanks for exploring the possibilities, discovering potential and acting authentically with us!
“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” – Anthony Robbins
Next year we will be celebrating our 5th birthday (time flies when you’re having fun). The other day I took the chance to reflect a little deeper on our journey as we welcomed a new client school into the Explore Discover Act community. The Principal from the school where we delivered our very first L.E.A.D. with Courage™: Stage 3 Leaders Program day experience has during this year moved schools. Liaising with her in preparation for supporting her new school’s Stage 3 cohort in 2017 opened up a flood of memories. Here’s the feedback we received from the accompanying teachers on that very first day:
“Cameron, it was a brilliant day. The children gained a lot from it and have leapt into their leadership roles with enthusiasm. Your explanations about leadership were fantastic and appropriate for the age level. It was an engaging and meaningful experience for all our students. Thanks for the great day.”
We have, the L.E.A.D. with Courage™: Stage 3 Leaders Program has, the Primary School programs we offer have, and of course our community of clients schools has grown significantly since that first day. It is such a privilege to be able to engage, challenge and inspire Primary School students within their learning and leadership journeys. Last Friday’s program day was also with a client school who’ve been with us since the beginning. What was exciting though was I had the opportunity to work with a new teacher at the school with the Year 5 cohort on the day. Thank you for your generous feedback below and the schools continued commitment to the development of leadership potential within your student population.
“The ‘droplets’ of key leadership attitudes and qualities were empowering. Other staff members have raved about the program and now I know why! BRILLIANT.”
Here’s to a safe, refreshing and connection filled holiday break for all the students, teachers and school communities we support (as they begin next week or having already begun). We look forward to seeing you all again in the new year!