Me Too

Recently during a program experience, as a Year 4 girl was sharing a reflection, suddenly five other kids hands started shaking in the air (thumb and pinky up, other three fingers down). At first I was a little distracted as I tried to listen into her learning, curiosity was kicking in. I just couldn't work out what was happening. And then I got it.
"When one teaches, two learn." - Robert Heinlein
These kids weren't trying to get my attention because they wanted to speak. It was the complete opposite. They were enthusiastically indicating that this peer's reflection was resonating so deeply with them as they were listening. I immediately loved this empowering 'me too' signal within their learning journeys. I'm a full body learner as well.
"Learning is a social process that occurs through interpersonal interaction within a cooperative context. Individuals, working together, construct shared understandings and knowledge." - David Johnson, Roger Johnson and Karl Smith
So as school goes back this week for the final term of the school year I hope that each student, classroom and school community remain open to and excited by exploring the possibilities, discovering potential and acting authentically as they navigate the inevitable successes and challenges that learning presents. We can't wait to again share our program experiences and ongoing communication with our client schools over the coming months. We're definitely all in this together!
"The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice." - Brian Herbert