
What do you wish others cared more about? It might be each other. Or the environment. Maybe it's wellbeing. Or inequality. I ask this question within our program experiences to dig deeper into participant's passions, interests and purpose. One girl's response recently though really moved me and has taken me on an exploration over the last month as to what it truly is and how it positively impacts a leader's journey of potential.
"When the world says give up, hope whispers try it one more time." - Unknown
Hope. Her response was as simple and as complex as that. It's like she didn't need to think about the question, at 11 years of age she just knew deep down that more of it in our homes, communities and the world would make such an impact. I loved then chatting with her further after her initial sharing. That conversation reopened me up to hope's role when navigating the inevitable successes and challenges that life throws at us.
“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.” - Suzanne Collins
Hope and optimism can so often be lumped together as one and the same. Listening to a podcast a few weeks ago really reminded me of their differences. Dr. Brené Brown so eloquently described the ongoing 3 part process that hope is: 1. Goal- not what you can't control, measureable, achievable (real goal), 2. Pathway- I know how to get there, then if I fail I have the capacity to Plan B it (tenacity, grit, work around), if that doesn't work I've got another one, and 3. Agency- I believe in my ability to do this. This process is obviously very different to optimism, having a positive outlook on the future.
"Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future." - Robert H. Schuller
The quote that underpins our leadership development programs is, 'Leadership is action, not position' - Donald H. McGannon. Leadership therefore is a verb (the daily embodiment of purposeful skills, attitudes and behaviours that allow us to make a difference in our own and others lives), not a noun (a position, title or rank). So thinking about the 3 part process of hope above, coupled with this quote, it's definitely a central tenet within a leaders journey. I've loved this past month, noticing, listening, learning and being inspired by hope. How does hope show up within your spheres of influence?
“It takes courage to choose hope over fear." - Mark Zuckerberg