The Process

Learning, growth, and development are definitely a process. It takes time. It takes effort. It takes a lot of courage and vulnerability. And that's for all involved. We're just so incredibly grateful to be entrusted with being a part of this process within our client schools. Especially when you consider how transformational the process can be.
“Don’t judge. Teach. It’s a learning process.” - Carol S. Dweck
Over this past week we've had the privilege of reading through reflections from a Year 6 cohort we recently spent 10 weeks supporting through our L.E.A.D. with Me Program. It's an amazing journey to go on, with each of the 3 classes taking part in an hour and a half session each week, as well as receiving a reflection opportunity that can be completed in class before the next session. Our mantra for this year as you know is Cooperative Advantage. It fitted perfectly with the brief we received from the client as we prepared for the program, and we're so excited it has enthusiastically become an anchor for them as well at their school (as seen in the feedback we received below).
'Cooperative advantage was something that stuck with the children and has been woven into other areas of our program. The YouTube clips each week were powerful for the students to visualise the week's theme and to break it open. The discussion my class had during these reflections was so rich!!' - Year 6 Teacher
What aspects of the learning, growth, and development process inspire us most? Firstly, it has to be the authentic application of the participant's transferable skills, attitudes, and behaviours into other areas of their learning and leadership journeys. We're not just interested in what happens while we're there. We're passionate about what ripples are being created when we're not there as well. It's such a humbling experience when we receive feedback like we have below that shares more of the cohort's inspiring journey with us as well.
'Their attitude to tasks/situations that they may have previously found difficult. I see many students stepping outside their comfort zone and more willing to give things a go. They have been supportive of one another and are not afraid to recognise one another's achievements. The students have learnt to appreciate what makes each of their classmates unique and can verbalise their gratitude for this to them. We have been doing the ripple jar with great success - they love it!' - Year 6 Teacher
Secondly, it has to be the deepening of connection participants experience and what that opens up for them (and us as well). Connection is the glue that holds our humanness together, allowing us to take more appropriate risks and contribute most effectively within those spheres of influence. Pathways to learning, growth, and development become clearer when connection is present. So we loved receiving comments like these below from participants to describe how this important element showed up for them during, and now after, the program experiences.
'I made new friends during the L.E.A.D. program because I got to know my classmates better.' - Year 6 Student
'A leader isn’t someone who goes up onto a stage and orders people, a leader is someone who is responsible enough to not leave others behind, and to help other people succeed.' - Year 6 Student
'One was "We rise by lifting others" and the other was that a leader is not on a megaphone screaming orders, they are helping and interacting with the task.' - Year 6 Student
Finally, it has to be the fulfilment of what we're most passionate about, the development of leadership potential. Leaders have the courage to see things differently, and that opens up opportunities to think, speak and act in ways that engage, challenge, and inspire. Embracing and making cooperative advantage real is all about moving beyond seeing just the one dimensional, us vs them, winning or losing, not easy = not trying, etc. The way we interact with self, others, and the world around us is able to really come to life. We lead, owning that our thoughts, words, and actions matter, with making a difference being the ultimate why. Below is some more participant reflections that reminded us of this part of the process.
'Leadership isn’t about the role, it’s about the goal.' - Year 6 Student
'I also learnt how hard it actually is to be a leader and how to deal with that struggle.' - Year 6 Student
'I have learnt that leading isn’t controlling, it’s contributing. I now always try my best to contribute and listen to what others have to say.' - Year 6 Student
Thanks you to all the client schools, teachers, and students who welcome us into the process of learning, growth, and development. We love sharing this journey with you!