Where Do We Start?

Ever get caught in the feeling of enormity of something and not know how to begin? Ever put your, 'It'll never work' hat on and talk yourself out of beginning in the first place? Ever feel like there's never enough time so why bother beginning something new anyway? Whatever the case is at any given time, 'Where do we start?' can be a common hand brake on getting moving, rather than a playful trigger inviting purposeful action.
“To begin, begin.” – William Wordsworth
We're not saying every idea, thought bubble or endeavour is worth investing our time, energy or resources in. We are saying though that there are those intuitive pangs or signals in our everyday that remind us as individuals and groups of our core values, difference making capacity or wellbeing metrics. This is where I'm reminded of a powerful phrase that danced through my ears last week as I walked early one morning. 'Mindful states, build mindful traits', was read by Dr. Dan Seigel as he shared his audiobook 'Mindsight' through my headphones.
“Good seasons start with good beginnings.” – Sparky Anderson
Rather than letting the totality of an outcome stop us from starting, we can build momentum and change through small courageous, consistent and playful beginnings. This is something we can all struggle with but it's incredible what's possible when we purposefully use our daily thoughts, words and actions rather than being left with a pattern of 'what if's'. This is especially true when we tap into interconnectedness. We're not on this journey alone, so anything that helps us make a difference for self, others and the world around us can be supported and inspired by, as well as building positive accountability around the opportunities that exist.
“If you are the kind of person who is waiting for the ‘right’ thing to happen, you might wait for a long time. It’s like waiting for all the traffic lights to be green for five miles before starting the trip.” – Robert Kiyosaki
So what 'Where do we start?' questions are bouncing around within our journeys of potential at the moment? Who could we invite to walk this journey with us? How could we reframe the enormity of the 'trait', to the embodiment of the 'state'? So many questions come to mind as we reflect on this important aspect of our lives. Importantly though, now comes the fun part (our favourite reframe), after noticing, acting. It's why we chose the name Explore Discover Act. So let's get moving!
“The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps – we must step up the stairs.” – Vance Havner