366 Wonder Filled Days

Happy New Year!
May 2020 and this new decade open opportunities for you to inspire (and be inspired) through the difference you make for and with others.
So with the new year, comes a new intention (and we're loving that 2020 is a leap year; a bonus 24 hours to explore the possibilities, discover potential and act authentically in). What's going to be our true north this year?
For us, individually and interdependently we're on a quest to make each day count. It's going to be '366 Wonder Filled Days'. We're looking to bring potential to life through a lens of, courageously choosing from and celebrating all things wonder full.
It's going to be an adventure. And we can't wait to remain open to all that'll involve. So let's start day two here with one of our favourite quotes.
“Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are.” – Harold S. Kushner
May you and those around you be well, curious and compassionate as you own your capacity to lead and make a difference this year. Let's make it truly wonder full, not just for ourselves, but for all those we're privileged to come into contact with.